Thursday, January 7, 2016

This seems familiar...

[Day 7B]

...It's almost like I've already been here before today. Oh wait. I have. Good to be back. (:

This afternoon was somewhat interesting. I had the afternoon mostly free from obligations save a 1 pm meeting with my PI, so it was nice to get to decide what I wanted to do with my time. I got laundry done, studied some immunology, and took a trainer ride. Now I'm eating dinner (love it when I still have curry from Monday on Thursday, with even enough for lunch tomorrow!) whilst Skyping Henry (or really watching him make dinner over Skype) and writing this post!

I will admit, I was a bit stressed out this afternoon. I felt like I had a lot of studying to do for school and I wasn't going to have enough time to do that and errands and working out and feeding myself and everything else that's going on. I was freaking up pretty much up until the moment that I got on the trainer and got started. I put on an Endurance Planet podcast (I'm currently listening to the Badwater series they just got started on, it's a really great podcast, highly recommend) and settled into my ride and surprisingly enough the workout really calmed me down.

I decided not to push the resistance today (I never really track resistance on my trainer rides anyways because I'm not always consistent with how I tighten the flywheel on the back) and just focused on getting to a comfortably quick spot while hitting the right turnover with good form. The workout was pretty similar to what I did last Sunday, just a tad longer and in a reverse pyramid structure. I want to work on being able to conquer the longer parts of my sets towards the end of the workout. It's easy to work your way down but it's hard to work your way back up just in terms of the mental side of things, so I wanted to mix it up and try and get comfortable knowing I was starting and ending on my longest interval (which, granted, at 7 minutes was not very long).

It all felt surprisingly good. I've been having on and off mild knee pain from slightly over-extending my knee on Tuesday (when I'm really sore my legs tend to wobble when I walk and sometimes I can get strange kinks in my joints because of it) and I was especially worried about the double today, but it felt good on the bike and it feels good now, so hopefully that will continue to hold out. Not too much to comment on other than that. Here was the workout!

Today's PM Workout: 75 min base trainer ride

  • WU: 10 mins easy 
  • Pre-set: 5 x :30/:30 spin ups 
  • Main Set: threshold intervals of 7/2, 5/2, 3/2, 3/2, 5/2, 7/2 
  • Drill set: 10 x :45/:15 single leg drill 
  • WD: 8 mins easy 
  • Total: 16.26 mi, 1:15:07, 13.0 mph average
Hit Rate: 6/6 (100%)

Tomorrow is another double! Morning swim practice (yay IM day!), afternoon run with a friend (5-7 miles? Probably easy? TBD?). And then Saturday is my off day! And the start of playoff football! All good stuff. Gonna eat and shower and get some work done before that early early bedtime. (:

Much love,

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