Current Project

The aim of this blog is to document, with all of my judgments, emotions, and opinions intact, my training for my athletic endeavors (which at this stage of my life is centered around triathlon racing). I want a space that forces me to be detail-oriented in examining my training (and my life surrounding that training) in order to help me better myself as an athlete but also maximize my enjoyment of life both inside and outside of training and racing. I want to use this space as a place for reflecting, reassessing, and constantly improving, with not only the goal of being faster, but also being more balanced, happy, and fulfilled. That's a tall order for some words thrown into the void of the internet. We'll see how I do.

Connect with me on Garmin ConnectInstagram, and Athlinks!

My current project is: the 2017 Race Season!

The main races on the schedule are:
  • Copper Creek Triathlon, 6/25/2017, Pleasant Hill, IA, MWCTC conference race, Sprint distance triathlon (tentative - still waiting on confirmation that this will be a sprint rather than an Olympic).
  • Music City Triathlon, 7/23/2017, Nashville, TN, Olympic distance triathlon.
  • Bluff Creek Triathlon, 8/20/2017, Boone, IA, MWCTC conference race, Olympic distance triathlon. 
  • Cyman Triathlon, 9/24/2017 (my birthday!), Bondurant, IA, MWCTC conference race, Olympic distance triathlon.
  • Rock 'n' Roll St. Louis Half Marathon, 10/15/2017, St. Louis, MO.
  • Hot Chocolate 15k, 12/10/2017, St. Louis, MO.
Wish me luck! (:

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