Friday, January 22, 2016

Kate is fast

[Day 22A]

The main news in my life right now is that my appetite is becoming unbearable obnoxious. I don't think I ever stopped being hungry between the hours of 3 pm and 9 pm yesterday...I pretty much ate until I felt like I was going to make myself sick if I kept eating, and was still hungry...What are these problems. Why. Anyways, I swam. (And got a ride in a warm warm car it was so wonderful not to have to bike in the very very cold thank the universe for lovely teammates.)

Today's AM Workout: CSP practice, IM day
  • Everything was swum on whatever pace Kate led the set at...
  • WU: 300 swim (500 as written but we showed up late)
  • Main Set:
    • 4 x 50 kick IMO 
    • 400 pull w/ paddles
    • 4 x 50 drill IMO
    • 300 kick w/ fins
    • 4 x 50 swim IMO
    • 3 x 200 pull w/ paddles descend 1-3
    • 6 x 150 
      • 1, 4 - 25 fly/back/breast, repeat
      • 2, 5 - free
      • 3, 6 - 50 fly/back/breast
  • WD: 100 easy
  • Total Distance: 3200 SCY
Hit Rate: 21/22 (95.4%)

Kate led my lane today! Even though she really should have been in the fast lane, doing fast lane things. On one hand, it was awesome, because she's great at lane leading and we didn't spend forever on the wall trying to figure out what we were doing and what pace time we were going on. On the other hand, Kate is fast. I don't even think she was trying, she's just fast. I think I had forgotten what trying to swim fast felt like? It doesn't feel super pleasant. xD I really have to get back to treating swim practice with some degree of seriousness. It's not supposed to feel pleasant lol.

Life is pretty standard otherwise. I may be reworking my schedule for next week depending on whether or not it stays cold, because I won't be able to get rides to practice later in the week so maybe it would be better for me to just take my swims at the Athletic Complex at night? We shall see. I'll take a look at the plans over the weekend. As for the rest of the day, there's a trainer ride in the plans this afternoon so I'll report back after that. Lecture is starting so I'm gonna peace out! (:

Much love,

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