Sunday, January 24, 2016

Sharing the love

[Day 24]

Rest days are wonderful, but I just watched the Patriots lose in pretty heart-breaking fashion to the Broncos in the AFC Championships so...right now I just want to go pick a fight with someone. I think right after the loss I wanted to cry and eat buckets of Nitya's amazing homemade fudge for hours on end, but a little bit of time has passed and I'm now in "I want to fxck shit up" mode. In any case, let us not dwell on that but instead focus on something more positive that happened to me today on my lovely day off!

So the med school hosts a winter formal of sorts every year called the Red Dress Affair, in which you get to wear red and help support the American Heart Association. I wasn't able to attend this year because it was last weekend and I was out of town at Killington with Henry. I did, however, contribute by donating 2 hours worth of swim lessons to the auction. Today, I met my student for the first time (one of his friends won the lesson and gave it to him) and I got to spend about 45 minutes in the pool introducing the wonderful world of swimming to a non-swimmer. It was fantastic!

For context, I taught a lot of lessons during my college years. It was a really rewarding job that paid well and I always got roped into teaching more lessons than I realistically had time for. Teaching was always such an amazing way to share something I love with other people, and I've always been a little bit sad that I don't have time for it now with med school and everything. It was nice just to have a one off opportunity to do that again. The best part is when you start to see the subtle bits of swimming physics (which is so different from substantive-gravity-involving land physics) start to click with the person you're teaching and it's like "Yes! Welcome to my side of the universe!". It was fun, I had fun, I think I needed some of that this week and it was nice to get it in the context of doing something that I really genuinely love.

As for body updates: my legs are sore but completely functional, so the way I like to put it is if I had to live the rest of my life this way it would be totally fine (which is exactly the level of sore I like to be if I have to experience soreness in one way or another). I just stretched and rolled out and am hopeful about the IT band continuing to not give me any problems. I've got a busy busy week (I'm helping organize a couple of talks this week relating to primary care because that's one of my big interests and I'm trying to squash 8 workouts into 5 days and I'm behind on work and life and everything and I have two of my selective meetings this week which means days like tomorrow where I'm in class from 8:30 am to 5 pm so things are a little crazy), but we'll get through. I believe. (:

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Much love,

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