First plan change of the year! (Unless you count last Wednesday? Which wasn't so much a plan change as just a "nope not gonna do that today".) Anyways, Tsehay and I decided this morning that as much as we are total badasses who can take on anything, it was too cold for either of us to want to run outside today (-13 C, feels like -23 C, I may be Canadian but without something to cover my cheeks I'm not going out in that temperature to run for an hour...). xD Side note: props to one of my hardcore cyclist friends for going out and riding today. Beast mode much? Anyways, as a result, I pulled up a planned trainer workout from later in the week and we rescheduled our run for Thursday afternoon. So this is what I did instead today!
Today's Workout: PM trainer ride, 80 mins
- WU: 10 mins easy, 5 x :30/:30 spin ups
- Pre-set: 4 x 2/1, fast/easy spinning (100+ rpm), focus on smooth pedal strokes
- Main Set: cadence work, 95 rpm/80 rpm/95 rpm/105+ rpm/recovery pattern
- 4/4/3/1/2
- 3/3/2/1/2
- 2/2/1/1/2
- 2 mins easy
- Technique set: 10 x :45/:15 single leg drill
- WD: 8 mins easy
- Total: 17.44 mi, 1:20:06, 13.1 mph average
The notes/thoughts:
- Regarding the workout: I did the pre-set and main set on the same gear, which was about threshold at 95 rpm and probably a bit higher than that at 100+ rpm (except for recovery, which I dropped down a gear for).
- The single leg drill is steadily improving. On like number three I was thinking I wouldn't be able to hold out on the gear I was in but surprisingly enough I got through the entire thing without having to drop down. I think I'm learning the efficiency, slowly but surely.
- I still need to work on upper body position on harder efforts. When things get hard I do all manner of weird things with my upper body which is totally not how real life riding would work. Have to focus on that more.
- Today was sort of a crazy day? I had a lot on my plate for some reason, and Sundays are always stressful because I feel a lot of pressure to get my life put together before the week starts, but I think I did alright for myself given it all.
- Oh this is random but I have to share: I bought cookie dough (which is not a thing that I do) and I made myself a small batch of mini chocolate chip cookies that I ate after my workout (yeah, I know, not real recovery food) and it was delicious and amazing and it made me really happy. And the best part is I still have like 4/5 of the thing of cookie dough left so there will definitely be more cookies to come. Good decisions past-Jess (:
Only one session on the books for tomorrow, a lift in the morning with a short treadmill run, probably much the same if not identical to last Monday. Hopefully it'll tear my body apart a little bit less this week because I would really like not to spend all of it really sore. We shall see. Fingers crossed!
Much love,
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