Monday, January 25, 2016

No room for noise

[Day 25B]

That was the hardest short trainer session I've done in a while...Wow. Just goes to show that I'm bad at pinning down what workouts will feel tough and what workouts will feel easy. Here's the rundown:

Today's PM Workout: PM trainer ride, 60 minutes
  • WU: 10 mins easy 
  • Pre-set: 5 x :30/:30 spin ups 
  • Main Set: 8 x (3 mins on, 2 mins recovery) at 95 rpm, starting at base (big ring in front, 2nd biggest ring in back to start), going up one gear each minute attempting to hold cadence throughout 
    • Cadence thing did not happen, it looked more like 95/90-95/86-92 as average ranges
  • WD: 5 mins easy 
  • Totals: 14.69 mi, 1:00:38, 14.5 mph average
Hit Rate: 25/26 (96.1%)

Honestly, it's just been a really long day and it's going to be a really busy week and I'm mildly stressed about everything there is for me to do. Today it's been pretty non-stop, I had practice, I had class from 8:30-5:00, I dealt with some secretorial-esque errands for about an hour after class and had to field a phone call from my mom so I wasn't even home until 6:15 pm and couldn't be on my trainer til 6:30 knowing that I had to eat dinner and take care of some emails before hitting the sack early so I can hit the gym early tomorrow. This was the kind of day where I would have been happy to just let workout number two slide and bump down that hit rate a bit because it was genuinely a little crazy. But I had so much good momentum from this morning and Henry had given me the best pep talk last night and I know that some days are going to be hard but they make you better in every sense of the word so I felt like I had to do it so I did. 

It was tough. I was not expecting it to be this tough but it really really was. Gonna keep this particular workout in my back pocket and try to hit it again in a few weeks and hopefully do better at holding the goal cadences. I definitely like almost called it quits about 3 times but I was listening to Swimcerely and gosh these women are just so extraordinarily inspirational. Let me explain.

I think one of the things that I struggle with a lot is the idea that someone out there is looking at what I'm trying to do with my life and going, "That's unsustainable. She's trying to do too much and she's just going to burn out and she can't be successful at all of these things that she wants to be successful at". And as much as I'm more than willing to take that challenge head on and prove people wrong, I also have to wonder if maybe there's some or even a lot of truth to those statements. (The best thing about this situation is how hypothetical "these people" are.) Anyways, my point is that Swimcerely really reminds me that there are people out there doing crazy hard things that commit to it and chase after it with everything they have just because they love it and it's what they want and it doesn't matter how plausible it is or isn't to other people. All of that is just noise, and in my case, a lot of the noise I hear is coming from nowhere but my own head. I just have to ignore that noise and do me. Follow your bliss right? And hey, it's not like I don't have a wonderful support network to get me where I want to go. I just have to be a little better at believing. 

Okay I've been really sappy today. Sorry I'm not usually this sappy, but it's honestly just how I feel. I think a little bit of this sappiness underlies everything about me, it's just hidden under a lot of other stuff usually. In any case, already past my bedtime so I'm gonna shower now and try and get lots of sleep. Happy Monday! (:

Much love,

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