Thursday, May 19, 2016

What is training fasted...

[Day 140]

It's been the first time in a while that I've literally gotten up, thrown clothes on, and went for a workout. When it was routine, it never felt as good as a fed afternoon workout, but it didn't feel terrible either. Now that it's not so routine, my body was rebelling against me as hard as it could this morning. I swear I was half asleep the entire run. Everything felt hard, my legs didn't feel like turning over, it was short and slow yet somehow still real rough. Glad I got out and did it though, another full day of just sitting around studying would've probably killed me. (My schedule didn't allow for an afternoon run break so I opted to just get something short in in the morning before things picked up for the day. Case in point: I'm writing this from lab at 9:30 pm. Yeah it's been one of those days.)

Today's Workout: AM easy run
Summary: 4.58 mi, 43:29, 9:30 pace, 174 spm average
Pace splits by mile: 9:26, 9:42, 9:35, 9:34, 8:56
Hit Rate: 12/14 (85.7%)

Officially speaking I think I'm gonna try and get that interval run in tomorrow afternoon. I also have a lot of studying to do though and some errands to run and I have to cook for lunch which may turn out to be a major time suck...we'll see how productive I am and play it by ear. If I don't have time or the mental energy for something hard and heavy, I'll just take another easy to moderate 4-6 miles and live with that because I'm in med school and exams are a thing and what are you gonna do right?

Gonna head home and do core work and stretch and hit the sack now. Happy Thursday! (:

Much love,

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