Saturday, May 21, 2016

Easy run

[Day 142]

I think this may be the last workout I get in before I head to Boston. Things are getting real crazy with exam week stuff, so good luck me...Took an easy 6 miler today, ran with Brian, he was struggling a little bit (maybe b/c it was warm? maybe because it was early? idk) so we took it slow. He made it though, which is good and fairly impressive because he didn't sound like he was doing too hot. I also honestly wasn't feeling great the first 3-4 miles, but things settled down for me in the last 2 and they felt real smooth and real easy, so I don't really know what the deal was with that either. In any case, here are the deets.

Today's Workout: Easy 6 miler
Summary: 6.13 mi, 59:41, 9:44 pace, 175 spm average, not gonna worry about the splits today b/c it's late and they don't really matter lol
Hit Rate: 14/16 (87.5%) - this is about to plummet...loooool

Beeeeed time. Happy Saturday! (:

Much love,

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