Saturday, March 19, 2016

And we keep coming back for more

[Day 79]

I didn't post yesterday because I ended up swapping workout days and sometimes I'm bad about posting on off days and it's exams so honestly this isn't my priority, sorry single human being who reads this blog lol. I had a pretty crappy workout today, crappy workouts tend to get me really emotionally riled up, and I was thinking about how I like got through many years of my life like this and I realized that it was because I always knew that I would be right back at it tomorrow. It just never seemed like an option that I could quit or walk away because it was frustrating, I was just gonna go back to the pool and do my thing and fail over and over again day after day until I had a breakthrough. And more likely than not, after my little breakthrough, I would go back to failing again day after day. But I think I always knew that as long as I kept showing up there would be progress eventually so I just kept showing up. I dunno how that really worked out for me long term. I wasn't the most successful swimmer. But I got to race and I loved it and honestly I'm a stronger person for it. I don't feel strong today. I don't feel persistent today. I feel like I had another workout in which my brain let me down and I'm just not where I want to be. It sucks. But I also know we'll be back at it tomorrow and the day after and the day after so one of these days it'll come together and not be horrible. Doesn't really change the fact that all I want to do is sit around and cry about it right now, but I guess it makes the long term not look so bleak.

Today's Workout: PM trainer ride, ~120 mins
  • WU: 
    • 10 mins easy spin 
    • 8 x :30/:30 spin ups 
    • 2 mins easy spin
  • Main Set: 
  • 3 x 5/5/5 (you know the drill by now), no rest between rounds as written, in reality I broke for 5 minutes between rounds 2 and 3 and went 5/5/1 min easy/4 mins fast on that last one because honestly I just quit, it wasn't pretty
  • 5 mins easy
  • 3 x 8/2 with effort as 3/1/3/1, base +4, 60-65 rpm, +10 or more on pick up minutes, easy spin recoveries for the 2 mins 
  • Extra 2 mins rest 
  • 2 x 3/2 of 105/90, low resistance, focusing on the high cadence 
  • WD: 8 mins easy
  • Totals: 28.75 mi, 2:05:38, 13.7 mph average
Hit Rate: 83/91 (91.2%, no points off for yesterday because I just swapped that workout with this one, though it is worth noting that I'm also adjusting tomorrow's brick to just be a base run because I need time to study and that's the priority)

The only thought I have is I should work on that whole low gear high cadence thing some more, because I do struggle with smooth pedal stroke mechanics and I think it would be a really meaningful thing to work on some more. Gonna go back to my disappointment hole now and go do that. Yay.

Much love,

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