Monday, August 10, 2015

A little step back, a little step forward

I had a hard time getting to sleep last night so I ended up calling off this morning's swim and just sleeping in and resting instead. I think it was the right call, but it does mean I have to give myself a tick for missing a workout. Hit rate: 35/38 (92.1%). This afternoon, I wanted to take a long run since I had the time and I thought I wouldn't be able to because of rain, but it cleared up and I went for it!

Today's Workout: Long run
Summary: 10.59 mi, 1:44:44, 9:54 pace.
Pace splits by mile: 9:34, 9:57, 10:06, 10:08, 10:07, 9:28, 9:54, 9:42, 10:04, 9:55, 9:58.
Hit rate: 36/39 (92.3%)

I took the loop of Forest Park but also added an out and back through Clayton. The intention was to just go down and back on Wydown but I ended up turning early and did the first half on Forsyth. There are some not very steep but longer in length hills that run along that road that I wanted to expose my legs to. I was really proud of how my body handled that.

As the splits do tell, I think I turned on the gas a little too early and the last couple of miles were a mad struggle effort wise. I wanted to quit so badly at around the 8.5 mile mark and take a shorter route home but I made myself push through it and do the route as planned and I was so proud to get the rest of the way (and in decent time too!). Actually I'm remarkably impressed by the pace today. It's been the farthest and fastest I've gone in a run since getting back to St. Louis. It was also pretty warm today so I think my body is adjusting slowly to the heat and humidity. Having a very salt heavy lunch at school and having two glasses of water (one normal, one with Nuun) pretty close to when I left for the run was probably also important. The 8.5 mile crash still indicates that my body needs a little more to keep going though. A sugar source probably would have helped, but I want my body to learn to deal without it so I can hopefully avoid this situation during racing, even though I will be racing with fuel.

All in all, I'm very proud of today's effort. I really strive to make every workout count for something and today was a day where I knew I was getting better and every step I was taking and every hill I was pushing through was making me a better athlete. I'm really proud of that and will be glad to finally take my tired body to bed soon. Gonna try to actually get up and swim tomorrow! That will probably be my only workout though, I have a long school day tomorrow and I want to prioritize that and feeding myself in the evening instead of worrying about squeezing in another workout. Yay!

Much love,

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