Friday, April 8, 2016

I have the best fiance

[Day 99]

Henry drove me out to practice this morning in a car borrowed from a friend. Friends with cars are wonderful. Having a fiance who is willing to get up at an ungodly hour in the morning to drive me to practice is the best kind of blessing in the universe. He's taking a well deserved nap now lol.

In regards to practice, I really should've worked harder given that someone else gave up many hours of their morning to get me to and from practice. It's hard though without really aggressive pace times to push me and I wanted to keep pace times reasonable for the lane because towards the end of the set people were falling off the pace so it was a weird balance to try to strike. (It was IM day so I was leading.) My knees hurt a little bit, my left knee specifically, from breaststroke so I'm gonna try and keep an eye on that. Here's the set.

Today's AM Workout: CSP Practice, IM day
  • WU: 
    • 500 swim
    • 2 x 250 @ 3rd person rest
      • 1 - alt. 50 IMO kick/50 free swim
      • 2 - alt. 50 IMO drill/50 free swim
    • 4 x 100 free pull w/ paddles @ 1:35
    • 4 x 75 IM no free @ 1:20, descend 1-4
  • Main Set: straight through unless indicated
    • 5 x 100 IM @ 1:45
    • 4 x 50 IMO @ 1:00
    • 4 x 100 free @ 1:35
    • 4 x 50 free @ :50
    • (break)
    • 3 x 100 IM @ 1:40
    • 4 x 50 IMO @ 1:00 (pretty sure this was supposed to go down to :55...but we just didn't...)
    • 2 x 100 free @ 1:30
    • 4 x 50 free @ :50 (again, pretty sure this was supposed to be :45...)
    • 1 x 100 IM @ 1:35
    • (there was supposed to be 4 x 50 IMO MAX @ 1:00 or 1:10, but we didn't have time)
  • WD: 100 easy
  • Total Distance: 4100 SCY (4300 SCY as written)
Hit Rate: 97/107 (90.6%)

Originally had a long run with a big tempo effort in the middle scheduled for today, but might be shortening that down because honestly I need to do the rest of life too. It's fine. I'm ready, I don't need the extra distance, I know that. It's just hard when I want to do more but I know that I can't without compromising my schoolwork. We'll see what comes of it. I'll be back. Happy Friday everyone!

Much love,

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