Monday, April 4, 2016

Blogging "every day" amirite?

[Day 95]

Tired right now. Break was great. Too lazy to go into all the details. Here just have the summaries.

Monday's Workout: Gym sesh w/ Henry
  • Back squats: WU 12 @ 75#, 3 x 8 @ 115#, last set drop set for 12 @ 95#
  • Pulldowns: 3 x 12 @ 90#
  • Flat bench: 12 @ 55#, 3 x 12/8/6-2 @ 85#
  • Trap bar deadlifts: 3 x 8 @ 165# (split 6-2 or 5-3 just sort of depending...) - we just googled it and found out how much the bar weighs, turns out that's why those were sort of rough lol
  • Legs superset: 3 x 
    • 15 goblet squats @ 45#
    • 15 split squats @ 15#/side (DBs)
    • 15 reverse lunges @ 15#/side (DBs)
  • Dips: 3 x 12 @ 50 lbs of assist
  • Seated cable rows: 3 x 12 @ 70#
Hit Rate: 87/95 (91.5%)

Tuesday's Workout: Run
Summary: 8.66 mi, 1:23:24, 9:37 pace, 171 spm average
Pace splits by mile: 9:11, 9:31, 9:43, 9:43, 9:47, 9:38, 9:42, 10:13, 8:57
Things worth noting: I had really bad period cramps that started about a mile in, I ended up stopping at 1.5 mi and thinking that I would just have to walk home and call it a day, but the cramps faded and I ended up deciding that I should try and get through it anyways and if I had to, I would just walk when the cramps acted up. They didn't come back, so I got the rest of my workout in nice and smooth. Was glad I decided to stick it out. (:
Hit Rate: 88/96 (91.6%)

Wednesday's Workout: Indoor brick at the hotel gym
Summary: (continuous)
  • 20 mins biking as 10 mins @ 6-8 warm up, 5 mins @ 9, 5 mins @ 10, all at 95 rpm
  • 10 mins running @ 2% incline, 6.2-6.4 mph speed
  • 20 mins biking as 5 mins @ 10, 5 mins @ 11, 5 mins @ 12, 5 mins @ 11
  • 10 mins running @ 2% incline, 6.5 mph speed
  • Summed totals:
    • Biking: 11.50 mi, 40:06
    • Running: 2.19 mi, 20:42
Things worth noting: So sore from the gym sesh...but you gotta do what you gotta do.
Hit Rate: 89/97 (91.7%)

Thursday's Workout: Stadiums at Princeton w/ Henry
Summary: 2 rounds of stadiums with rest between rounds, lower level only, alternating singles/doubles by staircase
Hit Rate: 90/98 (91.8%)

Friday's Workout: Indoor biking at the hotel gym
Summary: 17.68 mi, 1:01:03
  • All at 90-95+ rpm
  • WU: 10 mins @ 6-8
  • Main Set: 9 x 5 mins @ 9/10/11/12/13/12/11/11/10
  • WD: 5 mins working down from 10 to 6
Things worth noting: Henry had to kick me out of bed so I would do this. I really didn't wanna do it, but I'm glad I did. Stadiums were really bad to my ankles so I stuck with non-impact work.
Hit Rate: 91/99 (91.9%)

Saturday's Workout: Gym sesh w/ Henry, upper body only
  • Flat bench: WU 12 @ 55#, 3 x 12/8/8 @ 85#
  • Pulldowns: 4 x 12/12/12/10-2 @ 90#
  • Incline bench: 3 x 12 @ 65#
  • Single arm DB rows: 3 x 12 @ 40#
  • Shoulder press: 3 x 8-12 @ 25#-15#
  • Bicep curls: 3 x 12 @ 20#
  • Dips: 3 x 12/12/10 @ 40# of assist
  • Superset: 3 x
    • 12 lateral raises @ 12.5#
    • 12 front plate raises @ 25#
  • Leaning lateral raises, one set of 12/side @ 7.5#
  • Skull crushers: 3 x 12/12/6-4 @ 15#/15#/15#-10#
  • Machine flyes and reverse flyes: 3 sets of each, 12 reps, the weight was whatever Henry set the machine to (I think I did the same for normal and reverse flyes, which I guess says something ridiculous about my front/back strength ratios), alternating exercises
Hit Rate: 92/100 (92%)

Sunday: Rest day! Ah glorious rest days.

Today's AM Workout: Base run, 5 mi
Summary: 5.04 mi, 46:20, 9:12 pace, 175 spm
Pace splits by mile: 9:09, 9:18, 9:18, 9:09, 9:06
Notes: Felt sluggish, but got through it. Probs b/c I hadn't run fasted in a while and last week is catching up to me fatigue wise, but it's fine. I'm happy with this for a normal run of the mill run.
Hit Rate: 93/101 (92%)

Today's PM Workout: Outdoor ride w/ Hoang (who puuuuuushed me, it was awesome)
Summary: 28.87 mi, 1:43:33, 16.7 mph
Speed splits by mile: 16.2, 16.9, 16.3, 20.9, 16.5, 14.2
Notes: New 40k PR today, 1:25:44, kinda cool.
Hit Rate: 94/102 (92.1%)

Yayyyyyy. Swim tomorrow. Sleep now.

Much love,

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